Order Your Custom Screensaver Here

Part 1: Design Your Screensaver

Background color:
Text color:
Typeface: Cursive

Filename or brief description of picture for title screen: 
Text for title screen:
Filename or brief description of picture for 2nd screen: 
Text, if any, for 2nd screen (be brief!):
Filename or brief description of picture for 3rd screen:
Text, if any, for 3rd screen (be brief!):
Filename or brief description of picture for 4th screen:
Text, if any, for 4th screen (be brief!):
Filename or brief description of picture for 5th screen:
Text, if any, for 5th screen (be brief!):
Filename or brief description of picture for 6th screen:
Text, if any, for 6th screen (be brief!):

I would like additional screens ($10 each).

(If ordering additional screens, briefly describe them or list their filenames in the box to the right, listed in the order that you want them to appear in the screensaver)

Part 2: Administrative Details

Please e-mail master file to me
Please send master file to me on diskette through the US Mail

I will e-mail the pictures to you
I will send the pictures to you through the US Mail (pictures will be returned)

I prefer to pay by check.
I prefer to pay on-line using PayPal. (This method allows you to use a credit card for the payment.)

Your Total Payment
Summer Special:$  60
Number of additional
screens (from above) x $10
Total due$

Your Name:
E-mail address:
Mailing Address
(required if we are to
mail you a diskette):
Phone number:

Click on the button below to order. The next screen will have the info you need to send the pictures and to make payment.