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Original Cartoons

Fun Things to Do


Original Cartoons

Would you like to see some original cartoons, most about business? Check them out. And take a look at our featured cartoon of the month below.

Important: All cartoons on this site, including the one below, are copyright © 1996 by R. P. Prince. All rights reserved. You can contact the artist through Prince Virtual Communications.

Our featured cartoon:

Drinks Cartoon
"Carpe per Diem!"

Fun Things to Do

Look at the demented titles chosen by people who are members of Dogbert's New Ruling Class---then add your own title to the list.

Get yourself a random quote to think about. Or be more selective and read the quote of the day from the Bard himself. Or be less polite but equally classy and collect a Shakespearean Insult---"Thou puny doghearted gudgeon," thou!

Choose your news. Set up your own personalized news service at Newspage, MSNBC, Infoseek (choose the "Your News" link), or Ziff-Davis.

Get some perspective...historical, that is. What happened on this date in history?


Where would you live if you could live anywhere? Find out how much more (or less!) it would cost you to live if you moved to the city of your dreams.

Go castle hunting. You can bring your kids, if you'd like.

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