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These services are available separately or in customer-selected packages. Please see our pricing policies.

Competitor Watch
Are your competitors marketing on the internet? What services are they offering? We check them out for you on-line and show you what they've got. This service is offered as a one-time investigation or as a regular, periodic update.

Conversion of Legacy Information to Web Formats
Do you need to put documents that were created in various word processing formats on your web or intranet? Do you need web access to existing databases? We will help you develop and implement a migration strategy. We also convert information that is typewritten or printed on paper into electronic form by scanning.

Do you want to put logos, photographs, diagrams, and artwork on the web or intranet? We scan your graphics into web-readable formats, size them, and adjust them for the best viewing quality. We also scan hard-copy text (all those pieces of paper that you don't have word processing disks for) and use optical character reader (OCR) technology to create electronic files that can be pulled up into any common word processing programs.

We train your staff on how to use the internet, how to use browsers and other internet software, or even how to maintain your site.

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